Contact Center Trends

What is Call Center Voicemail?

Voicemail is a common feature in telecommunications. You’ve likely dealt with voicemail at some point through your landline phones or mobile devices. Voicemails are a way for callers to leave a spoken message when the intended recipient is not there to pick up the phone.

Most people think of voicemail in a personal context, but they are professionally important as well, particularly as applied to call centers. Unconvinced? This post will hopefully change your mind.

What is call center voicemail?

Voicemails are messages that callers can leave for businesses when no call center agents are available to take calls. These messages can then later be reviewed and assigned to agents for follow-up. For call centers that would like to find a balance between being available for callers and efficiently handling customer inquiries, voicemail can be a great option.

Talkdesk call center software allows you to configure voicemail across the entire call center, for specific phone numbers or for individuals with an extension or dedicated line. This allows teams and individuals to customize how and when they would like to interact with callers. Currently, the available voicemail options are:

  • Enabled at all times
  • Enabled only during business hours
  • Disabled

You can also give callers the option of leaving a voicemail from the call queue (queue to voicemail). This is particularly convenient for callers as it allows them to exit a queue while still relaying their message to agents. For call centers with a waiting time limit or maximum queue size enabled, callers will automatically be sent to voicemail once the threshold is reached.

What’s voicemail transcription?

If activated, Talkdesk’s voicemail transcription feature automatically creates a speech-to-text file of all newly received voicemails. Once a voicemail has been transcribed, it will be available for viewing from the “Voicemails” tab in Talkdesk. Managers can also configure an email notification to be sent with the transcription attached for quick viewing.

Voicemail transcription can be particularly handy for moments when you are unable to listen to a voicemail, but still would like to know what information was relayed. With transcriptions, you’ll be able stay on top of voicemails, even when you’re not available for calls.

What can I do with a voicemail once it’s been received?

Once a voicemail has been received, call center managers can assign it to the team or agent best equipped to handle the inquiry. To set up email notifications for voicemail assignees, simply configure the appropriate automated workflow. This will ensure all voicemails are reviewed and handled in a timely manner.

After agents have followed up with a voicemail, they will be able to update the voicemail message’s status as either open or closed. Encouraging agents to regularly update voicemail statuses will give teams the visibility needed to stay current with calls.

How can I keep track of all my voicemails?

The “Voicemails” tab in Talkdesk will display all the voicemails your call center has received. You’ll be able to filter these voicemails by their read/unread status with our new voicemail filter. By default, Talkdesk automatically saves all voicemails received, but managers have the option of setting a voicemail expiration time of one, three or six months as well.

For call center managers who would like a more granular look at voicemails, Talkdesk provides several relevant metrics for phone numbers and ring groups from the Reporting tab. These metrics can be used to make educated decisions on staffing and call center configuration. The voicemail metrics currently available include:

  • Voicemails Left During Business Hours
  • Voicemails Left Outside of Business Hours
  • Voicemails Left from the IVR
  • Voicemails Left from the Waiting Queue

Why should I enable voicemail?

As mentioned above, voicemail is a useful call center software feature for teams who would like to maintain availability for callers while increasing efficiency. Here are the top three reasons your call center should have voicemail enabled:

1. Personalized Service

When callers are able to leave a voicemail with the details of their inquiry, agents will be able to follow up with crucial information already in mind. This allows agents to tailor conversations to the caller and the inquiry, ultimately driving customers satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Prompt Service

When agents already have the details they need before following up with a caller, they’re more likely to resolve the issue before even having to call the customer back. Back-and-forth between agents and customers will be minimized for a speedy resolution.

3. Enhanced Caller Experience

Simply put, voicemail is a convenient option for callers. Long queue times can be frustrating, and giving callers the option of leaving a voicemail instead can be a welcomed alternative. Customers can then rest assured knowing their call will be returned as soon as possible.

What are some best practices for voicemail?

To ensure all your customers have the best phone support experience possible, here are three voicemail optimizations you can make in just a few minutes:

1. Record a Customized Voicemail Prompt

While Talkdesk’s default voicemail prompt works in a pinch, we highly encourage you to record your own customized prompt. No need to hire a professional voice actor; anything other than the typical robotic voice will do just fine. Customized prompts add a personal touch to your call center, while also humanizing your company.

2. Enable Voicemail Notifications

Email notifications are an easy way for agents to be alerted of new voicemails. The emails can be customized to include various data points and go out to specific ring groups or agents. Setting them up is simple and fast; there’s no reason not to have them in place!

3. Configure Voicemail Triggered Automated Workflows

With over 25 business tool integrations, it’s easy to fit Talkdesk into your routine. Our automated workflows can even help agents perform various tasks based on a number of voicemail triggers. Play around to find the workflows best suited for your team.

Voicemail is a powerful tool in your call center software toolbox. It can be leveraged to increase agent efficiency and promote customer satisfaction. With Talkdesk’s out-of-the-box advanced voicemail functionality, your call center will have everything it needs for optimal performance.

Interested in exploring the utility of call center voicemail? Request a live demo of Talkdesk today.


Tracy Gao

Tracy hails from Los Angeles and is a Talkdesk product marketer. She is an avid art lover and champagne enthusiast. When Tracy isn't hard at work, she enjoys traveling and feeding her relentless sweet tooth.